Feeding Your Phase

Feeding your phase While all of the nutrients listed below come from healthy, whole foods that should be incorporated daily, there are certain nutrients that are incredibly supportive for specific functions such as inflammation, detoxification, and energy production. These may be emphasized during certain phases the cycle.


Magnesium-rich dark chocolate, cherries, and most seeds

Iron-rich foods required to replace iron lost during blood loss-grass-fed red meat, leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, red kidney beans and liver

B vitamin-rich foods assist with energy production and detoxification pathways-collards, spinach, mustard and other leafy greens, broccoli and beets

Antioxidants-to fight inflammation during this phase-turmeric, garlic, ginger, rosemary, green tea, and vitamin C rich colorful fruits and veggies Best to eat warm, cooked foods that don't require too much energy for digestion

Hydration-extra water to replace blood loss; bone broth, unsweetened cocnut water Teas-red raspberry leaf, nettle, and lemongrass (uterine wall and hormone support, sleep aid)


Carbohydrates-best time to consume carbs-increased insulin sensitivity

Higher fat and protein to support increased energy availability-avocados, olive oil, nuts and seeds

Iron-rich-grass-fed red meat, leafy greens, pumpkin seeds, quinoa, red kidney beans and liver

Omega-3 rich foods to balance inflammation

Estrogen-metabolizing foods-to balance higher estrogen during this phase-especially fermented foods like kefir, kombucha, and kimchi


Fermented foods-Dysbiosis results in de-conjugated estrogens (free estrogen that get reabsorbed) Flax Seed-

Higher fiber(especially soluble for bile sequestration and removal of conjugated estrogens)

Phytoestrogens- flax seed, legumes (soy beans)

Cruciferous veggies-high in indole-3-carbinoles and diindolylmethane-involved in conversion of estrogen to metabolites for elimination Onions and garlic-sulfur for methylation

Dandelion tea-supports liver (major player in detoxification) as well bloating Luteal

Liver supportive/estrogen detoxifying foods- B vitamin-rich foods mentioned above, cruciferous and sulfur-rich foods mentioned above

High protein foods-tryptophan=precursor to serotonin-salmon, nuts, seeds, and eggs to support mood changes

Magnesium-rich foods for sleep aid-dark chocolate, pumpkin seeds, tahini Fresh fruits and veggies for fiber to relieve constipation common with higher progesterone; also for polyphenols and antioxidants to combat inflammation (PMS) Healthy fat-for the fat-soluble vitamins-A, D, E and k involved in nervous system function and fuel as fats are used more efficiently during this phase-avocados, fatty fish, olive oil, pastured eggs

B 12 rich foods-most animal products, nutritional yeast


PRotect yourself from toxins


Identify Your Fertility Window