2022 New Year Challenge

While on Jupiter Island over the new year, the sunrises were so remarkable that I was inspired to wake and see them every morning. So my new year challenge for 2022 is to wake with the rising sun for the next two weeks......just enough time to start a new habit I hope!

Research links poor sleep and dysregulated circadian rhythm with increased risk for disease which is reason enough to take on this simple challenge. And natural morning light is the best place to start for better sleep that doesn't require expensive gadgets and pills. 

 Light and darkness directly impact our sleep/wake cycle with the stimulation of the hormones melatonin and cortisol regulated by the master circadian clock known as the suprachiasmatic nucleus........such a fun word to say isn't it? 


  • Natural light triggers the retina and then signals the suprachiasmatic nucleus which in turn signals the HPA (hypothalamic/pituitary/adrenal) axis’ release of cortisol

  • High in the morning tapering off throughout the day and low at night

  • Contributes to alertness and productivity

  • Is normal/healthy unless stimulated unnaturally (think caffeine) and/or chronically (think stress)


  • Also regulated by the suprachiasmatic nucleus and released by the pineal gland, this hormone is converted from serotonin

  • Released at onset of darkness and suppressed by light

  • Opposes cortisol-low in the morning and highest before bed and during sleep

  • Reduces metabolism and body temperature

  • Acts as potent antioxidant protective of the mitochondria, cardiovascular system and brain, among other tissues and systems

  • Melatonin receptors are present throughout the body indicating darkness is key not just for the eyes (think whole room darkness not just eye mask)

 What can you do?

  • Wake with the morning sun-these blue light rays stimulate cortisol production naturally

  • Allow the naked eye (free of sunglasses) exposure 25-30 minutes twice a day

  • Opt for a walk outdoors at lunch rather than coffee

  • Avoid blue light two hours prior to bed-blue light suppresses melatonin

  • Wear blue-blocking glasses if spending much of your day behind a screen

  • Sleep and rise as close as possible to the same time each day-get to sleep before 11pm and aim for 8 hours


Try taking these simple first steps toward better sleep for the next 2 weeks and stay tuned for more sleep tips to come!





Escarole and Beans


Holiday Truffles